Frequently Asked Questions

Getting started is easy!
  1. Register for an account or login if you already have one.
  2. Verify your email for a free 5,000 credits!
  3. Make a query (↑↑↑ look for the magic wand ↑↑↑)
  4. Scan the results for leads
  5. Buy some credits (the first 20,000 are only $10!).
  6. Make more queries! (↑↑↑ look for the magic wand ↑↑↑)
  7. Scan the new results for leads
  8. Like or hide leads to refine your future searches
  9. Rinse and repeat!

The exact number will vary by query and the sources found but generally we see ~100 leads per $5-10 spent or ~$0.05-$0.10 per lead.

Our lead generation process works as follows:
  1. We search the internet for your query.
  2. Our AI looks through the results.
  3. Each result is classified as either a lead or a lead source.
  4. Both leads and sources are presented to you.
  5. Sources are searched again to find additional leads.
  6. Leads are scanned for contact information, descriptions and quality.
  7. Finally, you can like or hide leads to improve future results.
This comprehensive approach ensures you get high-quality leads relevant to your query.

We use a credit-based pricing system:
  • You can purchase credits in packages of 10,000, 25,000, 50,000, or 100,000.
  • Most actions cost around 100 credits, but this can vary based on the length and number of results.
  • You can switch to gpt-4o-mini in the settings menu to reduce costs significantly with slightly lower accuracy.
  • Credits are deducted as you use the service, allowing you to pay only for what you use.

  • Lead: A potential customer or client. Our system identifies leads and provides their contact information and a description of what they do.
  • Lead Source: A site where multiple leads can be found. We search lead sources to find additional leads for you.
For example, a lead should be a potential customer, a lead source might be a blog post about the best XYZ in ABC. Both are valuable for your lead generation efforts, but we handle all this to ensure you get the best results.

We take data privacy and security seriously:
  • We do not share your queries or leads with third parties.
  • Your Lead Quality Prediction model is unique to your account and not shared.
  • We comply with relevant data protection regulations.
For more details, please refer to our Privacy Policy.