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Credits are used to make queries and scan links. Credits correspond to the number of tokens used by our LLMs to do different actions. For example, scanning a normal link may cost 10 credits and a longer link may cost 40 credits. Below are the costs/ranges of the actions on the site using GPT-4o-mini:
  • Run a query: 200 credits
  • Scan a source: 3-30 credits
  • Scan a lead: 10-50 credits
The costs displayed as ranges are estimates based on current data. In reality, they will vary based on the length of the content being scanned.

Each page will display the total number of credits used for that item's set of actions:
  • Query page: Shows the total of the query cost and scans done on items within the query.
  • Source page: Shows the total of the source scan and the cost of the leads scanned from that source.
  • Lead page: Shows the cost of scanning that specific lead.

Credits do not expire and will remain in your account until used. You can purchase credits at any time and use them at your convenience.